This game is addicting and oddly adorable! (Square Cat is awesome)
There are many characters to play as, some cost in-game coins and others you get for actions. I would recommend having "Random" on so it uses a different one of your characters every time you reset.
The gameplay is simple, use the square to cover up every square without getting stuck, with other mechanics along the way.
There are-I think-twelve chapters at this point, and they are still updating the game! But, if you beat the game and are waiting for an update, go to the workshop! You can create a level, play other peoples levels and play the Top 10! You can also rate the level with a thumbs up or down.
Although you need to have an in-app-purchase for the old dude to give you more solutions, it doesnt matter since you can easily look it up.
There really arent that many cons to this game, in fact, pretty much none, and this is why I decide to give it five stars.
Thank you for your time :)
The Awesomeness Potato about Mr. Square